Breaking a sweat in the office?The Ultimate Solution to Underarm Sweat

You are not alone – over 365 million people globally, or 1 in 20, suffer from excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis.1

Hyperhidrosis is an uncontrollable condition that can interfere with nearly every aspect of life. In people who have excessive sweating, the sweat glands are generally overactive, producing more sweat than is necessary. Excessive underarm sweat, or primary axillary hyperhidrosis, often goes untreated despite being the most bothersome and common form of excessive sweating.

There is only one permanent, non-surgical treatment for excessive underarm sweat – miraDry.

Clinically Proven toEliminate Sweat and Odor Glands

Published studies demonstrate destruction and elimination of sweat and odor glands and permanent reduction of sweat.

Human histology illustrates sweat gland destruction with miraDry.

Normal sweat glands


Sweat gland cells devoid of nuclei – complete celluar necrosis

10 days post miraDry treatment sample

No sweat glands

180 days post miraDry treatment sample

The Benefits of Miradry

Reduces Odour

miraDry permanently & immediately reduces underarm sweat & odour by an average 82%

90% Satisfaction Rate

Miradry has a 90% average patient satisfaction rate. With 3500+ treated in Australia and 175,000+ treated worldwide.

Safe and Effective

miraDry is a TGA-listed and FDA-cleared device to combat the effects of underarm sweat and odour.

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Want to experience the miraDry treatment for yourself? Reach out to our team today to secure a consultation.

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The ScienceBehind Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a condition in which the sweat glands (typically eccrine glands) overreact and produce more sweat than is necessary to cool the body. Here are some tell-tale signs of hyperhidrosis:

  • Sweating when you are not exposed to heat
  • Sweating when you are not exercising
  • Sweating so much that it soaks through your clothes or drips off your hands

Hyperhidrosis usually affects the hands, feet, underarms or face and usually presents in episodes rather than all the time. Even though hyperhidrosis can sometimes be a sign of a serious condition, it is typically a hereditary component that has no medical cause.

Pre & Post Care
Patient Procedures

miraDry is a non-surgical treatment designed to permanently reduce underarm sweat, odor, and hair with as little as one treatment, in one hour, and with immediate results.

What to do 4 – 6 days prior

Shave your underarms

Shave both underarms; by the time you come in for your procedure, there will be a little bit of hair growth to identify the area to be treated. If you forget to shave, we will recommend that you reschedule your procedure date.

What to do the day before

Avoid Deodorant

Avoid shaving or applying antiperspirant, or deodorant for the next few days. If deodorant, or antiperspirant is still desired after the treatment, discard any partially used product and open a new product.

What to do the day of

Loose Clothing

Wear clothes with loose arm holes for easy access to the treatment site, e.g. tank top, sports bra, or camisole.

Plan for 1 hour

Make a plan for time as the procedure may take up to 1 hour.

What to do the day of


Immediately ice the treated area using towel-wrapped ice packs and use anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling.

Keep Clean

Keep the treated area clean and apply an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.

No Exercise

Wait a few days before resuming rigorous exercise and activity.

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